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News on the topic of personnel

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Geschäftsbericht 2023

Die CPB SOFTWARE AG blickt auf ein spannendes und erfolgreiches Geschäftsjahr 2023 zurück. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, den aktuellen Geschäftsbericht zu nutzen, um ein

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CPB remains lead company

This year we have once again been certified as a leading Austrian company! Not every company is a successful company and not every successful company is a

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Women to power

Ever thought about how high the percentage of women is at CPB? It is already known that especially the male quota in the IT industry is high... but CPB

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TechTalks at CPB

As a way to build a common knowledge base, CPB Tech Talks have been held at our company on a recurring basis since 2022. The CPB Tech Talks are dedicated to

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CPB congratulates on passing the exams

Congratulations to our [former] apprentice David Weinkötz for the excellent passed exam as IT specialist application development, as well as Felix Fischer for the passed exam as network service technician (HWK) with likewise

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The talents of tomorrow at CPB

In July and August, two students from the HTL Spengergasse were able to put the theory they had already learned into practice at our company. Through the rapid integration

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Top Service Austria

We are a "Top Service Austria" company and want to continue to focus our energies specifically on the area of customer orientation. After the comprehensive survey of 600

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Welcome to the CPB team!

New large client contracts as well as further regulatory challenges have led us to create a new position in the CPB in Legal & Compliance. We

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