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CESOP, CESOP Client, CESOP as a service, CESOP solution, VAT transactional reporting, 2015/2366/EU, Payment Service Providers Directive, PSD2, Reporting obligation for cross-border payments, central electronic payment information system


Maximum automation to fulfill your reporting obligations.

Rely on our expertise and our service to fulfill your reporting obligations cost-effectively and without great effort!

CESOP is a European database (Central Electronic System of Payment information).

From 01.01.2024, all payment service providers and banks will have to record certain cross-border payments and submit them to the respective tax authority on a quarterly basis.

These will then be centralised via CESOP and cross-checked with other European databases in order to better combat potential VAT fraud in e-commerce, especially in the area of cross-border e-commerce.

The most important facts about the new CESOP reporting obligation

The reporting obligation applies to payment service providers in accordance with the Payment Services Directive (PSD2) and thus specifically to credit institutions, e-money institutions, postal banks/postal cheque offices, payment institutions and other payment service providers (PSPs) that are authorised to provide payment services. The well-known exemption for small payment service providers processing less than €3 million in transaction value does not apply to CESOP reporting obligations.

The main objective is to identify the payee, the recipient of the money, and the seller responsible for VAT of B2C online transactions. In most cases, the required information is already known to the payment service providers today.

If the specified criteria for cross-border payments are met, report-relevant information from KYC and transaction data must be collected across systems. For the purposes of regulation, a cross-border payment is when funds are transferred from a payer resident in one EU member state to a payee in another member state or third country via a payment service provider.


All types of payment transactions such as card payments, e-money transactions, money transfers and direct debits are affected.

The European Commission has confirmed that the notification is an automated electronic submission in XML format, which is carried out quarterly at transaction level if it comprises a total of more than twenty-five transactions in a calendar quarter. The data shall be submitted to CESOP by the 10th day of the second month following the end of the reporting period.

Parties involved must be identified via the different payment channels (if necessary with unique identification features and the assignment of natural and legal persons).

Depending on the payment method, up to 15 data attributes are collected and reported to the authorities. Currently available interface descriptions define the following data elements for the message:

  • BIC or any other identification key that uniquely identifies the payment service provider (PSP)
  • Name or name of the payee's business
  • Payee's VAT identification number (VAT/Tax ID)
  • IBAN of the payee (IBAN, ID payee)
  • Other unique identifiers that can be used to uniquely identify the payee (BIC, ID payee)
  • Address of the payee
  • Payment or refund details
  • Date and time (timestamp) of payment
  • Amount and currency of payment
  • Member State from which the payment originates or in which the payment is refunded (payment origin / refund origin)
  • Transaction reference that uniquely identifies the payment or refund (transaction ID)
  • Indication that the payment is initiated within the premises of the supplier (physical presence)

Timeline of the introduction of CESOP

The rules will come into force on 1 January 2024 and will apply to the whole of Europe. The member states of the European Economic Area, consisting of 27 EU member states as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, are obliged to transpose this EU directive into national law by then.

ATTENTION: In the event of incorrect, incomplete or late reporting, fines of up to 5,000 euros can be imposed.

our CESOP solution for you

All around

Our CESOP platform fully supports CESOP requirements, from data processing to the preparation of reports and their submission to Member States' tax authorities.

Flexible &
exact fit

Individually tailored services at the right moment. You define your individual range of services and put together your own personal service package.


The CESOP.SUITE client can be implemented in a surprisingly short time. The full functionality of the software is available to you within one day. The prerequisite for this is the availability of a PC or server.

We have aroused your interest?

The Musterbank and CPB have been a good match from the very beginning. Both are companies with short decision-making paths, flexibility and very constructive, appreciative and collegial in their dealings with each other. Detail-intensive tasks were solved without losing sight of the big picture.

All services at a glance


as a service

Take advantage of our professional infrastructure with the highest security standards - we enable you to set up an infrastructure for cloud-based technology and are happy to provide you with resources such as virtual machines, network connections, storage space and computing power from the CPB Cloud.

cpb saas service

as a Service

We take over the operation of business-relevant applications and make them available for use in the CPB data centre. We also ensure automatic updates of the software - you don't have to worry about obtaining new releases or patches.

Business Process as a Service

Business Process
as a service

Their core competence lies in consulting, sales or production - ours in the efficient handling of the processes required behind them. As already successfully used by many customers: We provide you with the necessary IT resources and also take over complete back-office processes.

Your contact for CESOP.SUITE

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Contact Sectra's ERIC Client

Sergio do Adro
Head of Customer Services

Telephone number: +49 (9371) 9786-77

Any questions?
I'll be happy to answer them

Contact Sectra's ERIC Client

Sergio do Adro
Head of Customer Services

Telephone number: +49 (9371) 9786-77