CPB against blood cancer

Every 15 minutes, a person in Germany develops blood cancer, including many children and young people. Blood cancer is the collective term for a number of serious diseases of the blood-forming system.

Are there any chances of a cure?

Without medical treatment, blood cancer leads to death. Chemotherapy is the most common form of treatment, but blood cancer cannot always be overcome by chemotherapy alone. A stem cell transplant is the last or only chance of life for many patients.

Finding a donor - what are the chances?

It is rare for two people to have almost identical tissue characteristics. Only for about one third of blood cancer patients can a suitable donor be found within their own family. If no one in the family is a match, an outside donor is sought. Currently, more than 10 million people are registered as stem cell donors with the DKMS. However, the search for a suitable unrelated donor is still unsuccessful for every tenth patient.

How do we help?

As a company, we are aware of our social responsibility and consider social commitment to be an integral part of our corporate philosophy. For this reason, we have launched a DKMS corporate campaign. The three-week registration campaign kicked off with a presentation by a DKMS volunteer who told his own donor story and shared important information with us. For all staff working from the home office due to the current pandemic situation, there was a livestream that allowed them to participate and ask questions as well. DKMS is an important pillar in the fight against blood cancer. It enables new life chances for patients worldwide and we would like to do our part! For this reason, the CPB covers the costs for the registration of all colleagues.

You too can become a stem cell donor!