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We remain human - CPB Charity

"Superschoolcards" for a class of the SPZ Aiglhof Salzburg

The class BV4 of the special school Aiglhof is a graduating class with the main focus to strengthen the independence of the students so that they can be integrated into the labor market after finishing school. Therefore, they have been sponsored a year-round project in horticulture and agriculture at the "Pferdehof Thomayer" by a charitable institution. Since they travel by train from Salzburg, they also have to pay the travel costs. All the students have special needs and come from socially disadvantaged families who cannot afford special expenses. CPB hilft has now provided a Superschoolcard for Salzburg for each student to be able to come to the farm and also otherwise increase their independence through driving training with public transport.

The class would like to sincerely thank all of the staff!